巴黎萬種風情(Romantic Paris)
回到住處吃了一點早餐和梳洗過後,我們又繼續我們的行程。由於昨晚的意外,秋萍原先計畫要到凡爾賽宮參觀的計畫只好放棄,我已去過沒有差別,但姐姐交代要我幫她買個提包的要求也無法達成了!我們先到法國片”愛蜜莉的異想世界”場景之一---聖心堂(Sacre Coeur)。
盧森堡宮殿是依據瑪麗˙德˙梅蒂西絲的旨意修建的。亨利四世國王去世後,王后不願住在羅浮宮內,而是想住在某個能讓她想起故鄉---佛羅倫斯---的地方。若想進入宮殿內參觀,必須得到參議院總書記處的批准。歌劇院( Opera) 是世界上最大的抒情劇院(面積11,000平方米,能容納2,000名觀眾;舞台上能容納450名演員)。同時它也是音樂劇The Phantom of the Opera(歌劇魅影)的故事背景。這是拿破崙三世時代最典型的建築。一條寬闊的建築臺階通向正面的一層。正面有高高的拱門,粗大的立柱,前面還有一組組大理石雕像。裝飾豪華的頂樓上方是較扁的圓頂,像皇冠般閃耀。
拉法葉路(Rue Lafayette)---以奧斯曼大道為起點。在街角矗立著拉法葉百貨公司(一稱老佛爺,是巴黎最重要的百貨商店之一)。拉法葉百貨內部的圓頂,由十根金屬支柱支撐。瑪德萊娜教堂(La Madeleine)是模仿尼姆的方形教堂修建的。教堂的形式和結構都是古典式希臘神廟風格:宏大的基座,寬闊的台階,由52根高20米的考林辛式柱組成的柱廊。三角楣上有勒梅爾創作於1834年的巨大檐雕,表現的是『最後的審判』。最後,在趕飛機前,再去了一趟羅浮宮(Musee du Louvre)和協和廣場( Place de la Concorde),結束了這一趟巴黎之旅。這一趟巴黎之行三天總共只睡了14小時,憑著一張Paris Visit (可搭地鐵、公車和火車)和一張地圖”走”遍巴黎,難怪回到倫敦之後,累到不行(好不容易凌晨12點到宿舍,吃完晚餐梳洗完畢2點就寢,早上6點又被宿舍的火警警報吵醒,疲勞轟炸到快瘋了!)
After having some breakfast and taking a shower in our accommodation, we continued our journey. Due to the “adventure” happened last night, Gloria cancelled her visit to Versailles this morning. It made no difference to me because I’ve been there but I couldn’t purchase a hand bag for her as well. We went to Sacre Coeur, where the French movie “Emily” filmed. The church Stands majestically on the top of the Montmatre hill. The architects who designed it built it in a curious style, a mixture of Romanesque and Byzantine. The four small domes and the large central dome, standing on the high drum, are typically Oriental. The visitors can descend to visit the crypt and can also climb up to the top of the dome, from which there is a breathtaking panoramic view of Paris and the surrounding areas. And then we looked for an ice cream shop according to a column in the newspaper. The ice cream shop is tiny and delicate and I can suggest you to order Yogurt and any kind of fruit flavour. The clerk will shape your ice cream into a flower, and it only cost you 3 Euro! Yummy! Yummy! Before we got to Luxembourg, I took a photo of a particular church, Saint-Etienne-De-Mont. This is one of the most unusual churches in Paris, because of both its façade and the interior. The façade is a bizarre amalgamation of Gothic, and Renaissance styles, with three superimposed pediments.
The Palace of Luxembourg was constructed due to Marie de’ Medici who, after the death of King Henri IV, decide to live not in the Louvre but in a place which in some way reminded her of Florence, the city from which she came. To visit the interior of the palace, permission from the Secretary-General of the Senate is needed. The Opera is the largest theatre for lyric opera in the world (it covers an area of 11,000 square metres and can accommodate an audience of 2,000 and 450 performers on the stage.) It’s also the background of the musical “The Phantom of the Opera”. It is the most typical monument of the era of Napoleon III. An ample stairway leads up to the first of the two orders into which the façade is divided, with its large arcades and robust pillars, in front of which are numerous marble groups. The second order consists of tall double columns framing large windows; above is an attic, with exuberant decoration, on which the flattened cupola rests. The street, Rue Lafyette lead of Boulevard Haussmann, and on the corner are kes Galeries Lafayette, one of the largest department stores in the city.
The interior of the dome of Les Galeries Lafayeet, was supported by ten metal pillars. Designed along of the lines of the Maison Carree at Nimes, the Madeleine was built by order of Napoleon in honour of the Grand Army. It has the form and structure of a classical greek temple: a wide base with a stairway, and a colonnade of 52 Corinthian columns, each 20 metres high. The pediment has a huge frieze sculpted by Lemaire in 1834, depicting the Last Judgement.
Before we went to catch the last flight, we went to the Louvre and Place de la Concorde again, which were the end of our trip in Paris. During the three days’ trip in Paris, we slept totally for 14 hours and “walked” around the whole Paris with Paris Visit (the travel pass for exploring Paris and its region by metro, bus or train)and a map. No wonder we were exhausted after we went back to London (I arrived in our students’ Hall at 00:00am. After having late dinner and taking a shower, it was 2:00am. I was glad that I could sleep tight until the next morning but was waken up by the false fire alarm at 6:00am! I was going to be mad!).
撰稿: 李美琪
攝影: 李美琪
參考書目: 1. http://www.ryanair.ie/dest/paris_around.html
2. Giorgi, Simonetta and Boomsliter, Paula (edited). The Gold Guides: Paris. Casa Editrice Bonechi – Via dei Cairoli 18b-firenze – Italia
Author: Micky Lee
Photographer: Micky Lee
References: 1. http://www.ryanair.ie/dest/paris_around.html
2. Giorgi, Simonetta and Boomsliter, Paula (edited). The Gold Guides: Paris. Casa Editrice Bonechi – Via dei Cairoli 18b-firenze – Italia
後記: 還記得"巴黎驚魂記"中那個好心的阿拉伯人嗎?他在我回到倫敦的兩個月後,寄了一封e-mail 跟我要電話, 基於禮貌 ,我給了他我的電話,沒想到他竟然立刻打來, 嚇死我了,更嚇人的是----他跟我告白, 他說他喜歡我, 我在驚訝之餘, 還是很有禮貌的謝謝他喜歡我,然後騙他說我已有男友且很快就要回台灣了(回台灣是真的), 婉轉拒絕了他. 一定會有人說,"當朋友也好啊!他那麼有錢!" 有錢不是重點, 我對他就是沒感覺 ,而且他是阿拉伯人, 三妻四妾不知有幾人?