巴黎藝術一日遊(Museums in Paris)
第二天的行程是博物館一日遊。博物館護照可以讓你不限次數參觀巴黎超過60座的博物館及紀念碑、免排隊直接入館參觀,還告訴你最近的地鐵站名,非常的經濟、省時及方便。我們參觀了位於塞納河左岸(the left bank of the Seine)的奧塞美術館(Musee d’Orsay),底層陳列1850至1870年間的繪畫、雕塑及裝飾藝術作品,館內上層展出印象派畫家的作品,包括莫內、雷諾瓦、馬內及迪格斯等人的作品及後印象派的作品 (梵谷及高更),中層陳列1870至1914年的藝術作品。美術館前身是火車站,相當特別,值得造訪。
接著我們到羅丹美術館(Musee Rodin),造訪他最有名的作品---the Thinker (思考者)及 the Kiss (吻)。接著去榮軍院大教堂(Dome Des Invalides), 這是拿破崙的葬身處。1821年5月5日在聖赫納拿島上去世的皇帝的遺體直到1840年才運回巴黎。拿破崙的遺體被安放在六層棺木內:第一層四鍍錫鐵皮,第二層桃花心木,第三層和第四層是鉛,第五層是烏木,第六層是橡樹。接著趕去萬神殿(Pantheon),裡面葬了許多包括雨果(Victor Hugo)等名人。接著到瑟堡大學教堂(Church of Sorbonne)照相。Sorbonne指的是巴黎大學所在地及其周圍的一個建築群。然後我們到龐畢度中心(Centre Georges Pompidou)參觀,建築本身及展覽作品充滿了現代感。
這座被稱為”城市機器”的建築佔地100,000平方米。其革命性構思在於: 傳統上設在建築內部的構件,如自動扶梯、升降梯、安全出口及各種垂直管道系統都被設計在建築的外面。設置在外面的美一條管道都圖有一種不同的色彩,每一種色彩都代表一種既定的功能:藍色代表空調,黃色代表電力設備,紅色代表人行通道,綠色表示水道。我們的晚餐在香榭大道(Champs-Ellysees)上的露天咖啡廳用餐,感受一下香榭大道的浪漫氣氛(我們多想與自己的愛人共進燭光晚餐,而不是和彼此。誰教我們都沒有男朋友呢? 唉!) 用完餐後就冒著生命危險在馬路中間照凱旋門夜景。接著就發生了悲劇。
We plan to visit the museums on the second day. The advantages of Museum pass include free direct entry to the permanent collections, unlimited visits and unlimited validity. With the museum pass, there’s no admission charge, no waiting in lines and no limit to the number of times you can visit more than 60 museums and monuments in Paris. What the press defined as the most beautiful museum in Europe’ is to be found on the left bank of the Seine, Musee d’Orsay. The Ground Floor features painting, sculptures and decorative arts from 1850 to 1870. Impressionist paintings (Monet, Renior, Degas and Manet) and post-impressionist paints (Gauguin and Van Gogh) are displayed on the Top Floor. Lastly, the Middle Floor features art from 1870 to 1914. Following, we visited Musee Rodin. The museum contains a splendid collection of the great sculptor’s works. It has about 500 pieces of sculpture in bronze and white marble. Among the many, we should mention the Thinker and the Kiss in the hall on the ground floor. Next, we went to Dome Des Invalides. It has a square plan and two orders. The façade above all is a work of elegance and symmetry: above the two orders of columns surmounted by a pediment is the solid of the drum with its columns. The tomb of the emperor, Napoleon, who died on St Helena on 5 May 1821, is exactly below the centre of the cupola. The body is enclosed in six coffins: the first of tin-sheeted iron, the second of mahogany, the third and fourth of lead, the fifth of ebony, and the sixth of oak. Here, 12 enormous victories by Pradier keep an eternal vigil. And then we went to Pantheon. Pantheon is the final resting place of many great men. Vincent Hugo’s remains were transferred here in 1885. What a shame that we couldn’t enter because it was closed at 6:30 pm and we arrived at 6:10pm. Since we were in the Latin Quarter, we went to the church of Sorbonne.
The name Sorbonne indicates the complex of buildings which the University of Paris has occupied for seven centuries. Then we went to Centre Georges Pomidou. The building, “Urban Machine” as it has been described, occupies an area of one hundred thousand square metres. With a revolutionary idea, all the structures normally placed inside a building, such as escalators, lifts, safety exits, and vertical ducts here have been situated on the outside. Each type of external pipeline is painted a different colour because each colour corresponds to a different function: blue corresponds to the climate-control plant, yellow the electrical installation, red the circulation, and green the water circuits. We decide to have our “big” dinner on Champs-Ellysees to enjoy the romantic atmosphere. (How we wish we could have a candle-lit dinner with our love, not us two girls! However, we have no choice. None of us has a boyfriend.) After dinner, we ran our risk of taking a photo in the middle of Champs-Ellysees. At this moment, a tragedy happened.