巴黎三日遊(Three days in Paris)
巴黎迪士尼樂園與加州的迪士尼樂園大同小異(我已去過佛羅里達州的迪士尼世界、加州迪士尼樂園及東京迪士尼樂園,再加一個巴黎迪士尼樂園就是完整的迪士尼之旅啦!) 來巴黎迪士尼樂園最大的好處是不用花太多時間排隊,所以我們有很多的時間徹底玩遍所有遊樂設施,剩下的時間就是逛逛禮品店、跟小朋友搶著跟玩偶照相、坐在地上等花車遊行及最後的煙火。
I’ve never thought that I could be in Paris three times. Since it’s my third time to be in Paris, I should go to the places I haven’t been to--- Disneyland Paris, museums (except the Louvre and Versailles) and Sacre Couer.
Disneyland Paris is similar to the Disneyland in California. (I’ve been to Disney World in Florida, Disneyland in California, and Tokyo Disneyland. So, why shouldn’t I visit Disneyland Paris?) The advantage of visiting Disneyland Paris is that we didn’t have to waste a lot of time in a long queue, therefore we had lots of time to enjoy all the high-thrill attractions, go shopping, take pictures with Disney characters, and sit on the ground to wait for the parades and sky fireworks over Sleeping Beauty Castle.