
Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 
經過昨晚搭一遍紅色北線觀光公車,再仔細研究過昨天買的參考書之後,對於今日的行程規劃得非常具體與充實。早上8:30出門,首先先到附近的 Gran Teatre del Liceu (我猜是 Grand Threatre of Liceu) 照相,再照米羅設計的馬賽克地磚,接著循著地圖找到Palau de la Musica Catalana (音樂廳),有點失望,因為不像書中相片那麼美,早上的陽光還不夠,再加上距離太近無法照全景或是特寫,對不起大家啦

接著回Hostel吃早餐,用餐過後回到落腳處在陽台上照斜對面的Palau Guell,屋頂的煙囪同樣也是高第的作品。寄放行李之後便到Plaza Catalunaya去。廣場中的少女雕像是每本旅遊書中都有的,順便幫秋萍照了一張超完美的照片,另外,廣場中的小朋友都很可愛,忍不住幫他們照了一張。西班牙人不只小朋友可愛,學生俊俏,帥哥更是一籮筐,害我目不暇給,都來不及喊餓(因為本人最不耐餓,只要用餐時間到沒吃就會不停喊餓,秋萍就會罵我哭餓,真的很餓嘛!
看我照秋萍角度多好, 很像吧?呵呵

Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 
For the reason that we made a precise plan on the basis of the “pre-view” journey and the tourist book, we could make the best of our time today. At 8:30, we took some shots of Gran Teatre del Liceu (Grand Theatre of Liceu) and then the mosaic by Miro. Finally, the disappointing Palau de la Musica Catalana, for it didn’t look as beautiful as I saw in the tourist book. Partly because there wasn’t enough sun light, partly because the building was in a lane too narrow to take a good picture. After our breakfast in the hostel, we climbed up to the attic to shoot Palau Guell, again a work of Gaudi and again a forest of chimneys. Today our tour started from Plaza Catalunya where I took a wonderful picture for Gloria who was imitating the famous sculpture behind her. Besides, the kids in the plaza were so cute that I couldn’t resist myself taking a shot. In Barcelona, we had cute kids, good-looking students, and countless breath-taking guys. We were too busy looking at good guys to take a rest because attractive guys came one after another and they even let me forget hunger—this was really a miracle. 


 公車路線中間經過高第設計的幾棟Casa(秋萍推敲這個字應該是CastleLisa(我的義大利室友) 解釋:房屋),接著來到他最偉大的作品---Sagrada Familia。這是世界上唯一還在蓋的哥德式教堂,其中包含12座尖塔需費時約200年,估計在2082年完工,。高第在他31歲時接下這份工作,他花畢生精力在這座教堂上,也讓他盡情發揮他豐富的想像力,可惜在他1926年過世時,只完成其中一座塔。我們也完成了Jack教授的指定作業二:爬上高塔。我們一層層盤旋而上,有種熟悉感,彷彿爬聖彼得大教堂圓頂般,只能向前繼續爬,不能回頭。塔上的景觀真的很棒,感謝Jack,在得知我要到巴塞隆納玩,人去中國大陸還發了一封E-mail告訴我有哪些必玩之地,交代我要吃什麼,那我只好"盛情難卻",好好完成他交代的作業!下一站來到高第的另一項鉅作---Parc Guell。這是他在巴塞隆納最大的作品。入口的兩座石牆房子可供園丁或旅客居住,從入口處可望見通往公園的燦爛階梯,階梯上裝飾著一隻陶製的。石階之後是多根石柱,仿如森林,上層就是公園,從公園可眺望巴塞隆納全景。環繞著廣場的是全世界最長的bench,由彩色碎磚塊拼貼成無止盡如巨蛇盤延bench。公園其他部分,特別是高第和Guell的住處顯示出如夢般的氛圍。

After passing by some Casas by Gaudi, we saw his most important work in the city--Sagrada Familia which is the only Gothic church in the world still under construction. According to Gaudi himself, the church containing 12 towers will take 200 years to complete so it was planed to be finished in 2082. Just wait and we’ll see if we are still alive then. Gaudi was thirty-one years old when he accepted the commission to build the Sagrada Familiar and spent the rest of his life bound to this work. Here he gave free rein to his creativity and allowed his imagination to fly. In 1926 the year Gaudi died, only one tower was completed. In Sagrada Familia, we finished Jack’s second assignment as well. Assignment (2): climbing up to the top of the tower--done. Even though there was a lift calling us, we determined to ignore it. As we were climbing step by step, we felt as if we were climbing to the top of the St. Peter in Vatican. The two are identical: there is no way back. What’s the reward of climbing up to the top? The fantastic and awesome view of the city! Thank Jack, who was in China, for telling me where to visit, and what to eat and do in Barcelona as soon as he knew I was going to this lovely city by Eimail. Therefore, I had to finish “the assignment” he mentioned to pay back his kindness. Gloria and my next stop went to Parc Guell, the largest creation by Gaudi in the city. The entrance is flanked by two houses, integrated in the stone wall and reserved for the guardians or porters of the estate and visitors. From this entrance there is a splendid view of the monumental staircase which gives access to the park proper, adorned by an outstanding ceramic dragon. Behind the staircase lies the hypostyle chamber-a forest of pillars-and, overhead, the great Parc Guell, from where magnificent views of Barcelona may be observed. Around the perimeter of the square, the famous serpentine bench, adorned with pieces of broken tiles, plates and bottles which make up a seemingly endless, dynamic collage of dazzling colour. The rest of the park, particularly in the residences of both the Guell and Gaudi himself accentuate the prevailing dreamlike, magical ambience.The programme of open air sculpture carried out in Barcelona in recent years has been described by the critic Robert Hughes as “the most ambitious in the western world” and a “unique anthology”.
左邊入口                                                                   右邊入口



 下一張照片dona i ocell”是米羅的作品,接下來兩張,一張是”Barcelona Head” Roy Lichtenstein 設計,另一張是Mariscal crayfish”,很可愛。下一張車站是我們走錯路時順手照下來的,回去查書發現還頗有歷史,1929年之後就很少使用了。接下來是Jack的第三份指定作業:去Grand Market 看海鮮,還要說Catalan Languageno Spanish (開玩笑,我只會中英文略通日語,西班牙語一句都不會,更別說什麼Catalan language!) 下一張照片 Arc de Triomf 凱旋門(當然不是巴黎的那一個),接著是在奧林匹克選手村附近噴泉上的一張臉,是Antoni Liend的雕刻作品。接下來要完成Jack交代的最後一份指定作業:去港口吃海鮮。去的時候是19點多,一個客人也沒有,而且肚子也不餓,因為15點才吃午餐,於是拍拍照交差了事,準備去搭飛機了。到機場之後發現櫃檯已關,心想不會飛機已飛走了吧?! 不,是被CANCEL掉了,因為倫敦下大雪機場關閉! 天哪!怎麼辦?! 在航空公司安排下住進機場過境飯店,班機是24小時之後,就是隔天同樣22點的班機。過境飯店是四星級飯店,與我們之前的Houstel 相較,兩張舒適的大床,有沙發、梳妝台、衣櫥、落地窗、電話、電視、設備齊全寬敞的浴室、24小時的room service、且含早午餐,飯店並附健身房及泳池。多少錢?通通不用錢! 24小時換來的!

 The following pictures reveal the creations “Dona i ocell” by Miro and “Crayfish” by Mariscal, even though the train station where we didn’t mean to be there has its own historical style. Then here came Jack’s third assignment: seeing the seafood in Grand Market and speaking Catalan Language not Spanish. (He must be joking—the language I can speak are Chinese, English and a little Japanese. Spanish-not a sentence, let alone Catalan Language.) Assignment(3): seeing the seafood in Grand Market-done. Another photo shows Arc de Triomf (of course not the one in Paris) and then “A Face” by Antoni Liend nearby the Olympic Village. Finally, it’s time to complete the last assignment: having seafood at the port; however, when we were there at 7pm the restaurant was empty-it’s too early for dinner. I just took a shot of the restaurant as the fourth assignment but didn’t have dinner for we were not hungry at all. Assignment (4): having seafood at the port-half done.  Since we finished all the assignments in Barcelona, we could leave the city without any regrets and get ready to the airport. However, the check-in desks had closed while we were there. “Has the airplane left?” “No, worst than that, it’s been cancelled because of the heavy snow in London.” We had been told by the Malaysian-remember that? Under the arrangement of easyjet, we stayed in a near the airport and waited for our flight - 22:00 the same time but one day late. Compared to the hostel we stayed in Las Rambla, this hotel offers two double beds, a sofa, a dress table, a wardrobe, a French window, a telephone, a TV, a fully-equipped bathroom with door, plus 24-hour room service, dinner, lunch and buffet breakfast. Besides, we also got the free access to the gym and swimming pool. How much did it cost? It was free of charge but it took us 24 hours instead.  
飯店房間(比hostel 好上100倍)


主餐~~雞肉              主餐~~魚



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