德國之旅 (Germany)


After having delicious dinner in Prague, we hurried to catch the train to next destination---Munich. This is our first time to take this kind of train, sleeping train. Our “chamber” is a shared room for three people but fortunately, there is no other person except us in this chamber. Let’s take a look at our chamber. The left hand side are our beds, the other side are the basin and the closet. There is a bathroom in each coach, and there is room-service as well!


我們在德國第一天的行程開始於新天鵝堡(Neuschwanstein),迪士尼睡美人城堡的真實版。巴伐利亞國王路易二世是這座城堡的建造者,這座城堡1896開始興建,1886才完工。路易二世曾給音樂家華格納寫道: “我想要以古德國騎士城堡的方式來重建靠近Poellat峽谷的Hohenschwangau的古堡遺跡,這地方是曾經被發現過最棒的地方之一…” 新天鵝堡之所以如此夢幻,主要是最初的設計圖並不式建築師畫的,而是舞台佈置者及劇院的畫家創作的,充滿了路易二世對中古世紀騎士故事的幻想。我翻拍了幾張月曆上的照片讓大家一窺城堡內部(因為城堡內禁止拍(攝影))



The first destination of Germany starts from Newschwanstein, the real castle which the Sleeping Beauty lives in Disneyland. King Ludwig II of Bavaria, the builder of the castes Neuschwanstein (1869-1886), Linderhof (1874-1878), and Herrrenchiemsee(1878-1886) wrote to Richard Wagner on 13th May, 1868: “ I have the intention to rebuild the ancient castle ruins of Hohenschwangau near the Poellat gorge in the true style of the ancient German knight’s castle…the place is one of the nicest ever found…” The original blueprint is not drawn by architects but by the stage designers and theater painters, and that’s why Newschwanstein is so dream-like. I took some photos of the calendar I bought so that we can see insight of the castle because there is no filming in the castle.


                                            THE BEDROOM(

                                                 THE  STUDY(

                                    THE LIVING ROOM(




另外我們還去拜訪一個位於羅曼蒂克大道(Romantic Road)上的小鎮奧古斯堡(Augsburg)。我甚至喝了生平第一杯啤酒呢!We also went to a small town, Augsburg, located on Romantic road. I also tried the famous German Beer! Wow ….Now I can realize why beer is so famous in the world.


瑪麗恩廣場是以圓柱中心是聖母馬利亞命名。整個廣場以它的近代哥德式市政廳及鐘琴(mechanical clock, or Glockspiel)聞名,每日演奏三次,分別是11:0012:0017:00。這座是德國最大的鐘琴,以真人大小模型表演傳統桶匠舞及馬上刺槍術為其特色。接著我們到BMW總部旁的BMW博物館參觀。這座博物館外形像是太空艙,內部空間為螺旋狀,只要一層一層向上參觀,不必害怕遺漏展示主題。博物館內展出許多BMW代表性車款、飛機(因為1916創業的BMW當時是製造飛機),當然還有重型機車。位於博物館旁的高樓正是BMW公司總部,這大樓的造型代表著汽車的汽缸,四個環圍繞起來正是MBW的商標!博物館附近是1972奧林匹克舉辦場地,園區內包含運動設施,湖泊,腳踏車道,演唱會場地,餐廳,足球場及天棚般的屋頂。整個場地的主要建築以蜘蛛網般的透明天幕互相連接,園區內有一座高達290公尺的展望塔,正好讓人可以從上往下將此座建築一覽無遺。

The plan of the second day in Germany is one day trip in Munich. Marienplatz is named after of the Virgin Mary at its centre, the square is famed for its neo-Gothic Hall, whose mechanical clock, or Glockenspiel, plays three times a day at 11:00, 12:00 and 17:00. Glockenspiel im Rathausturm (carillon in New Town Hall Tower) is the largest carillon in Germany, with near-lifesize figures performing the traditional Coopers’ Dance and a jousting match. Then we went to BMW museum, next to the BMW headquarter. Inside the museum displays all kinds of sports car, aircraft and motorcycles. The tall building next to the museum is BMW headquarters, which was constructed in the shape of a four-cylinder engine! Not far from BMW museum is Olympiazentrum., site of the 1972 The Olympics. This landscape ed park contains sport facilities, lakes, bicycle paths, concert venues, restaurants, and a football stadium, as well as its landmark” tent-style” roofs. Tower, 951 feet, is the Germany’s highest television Tower.





  夏宮(Schlob Nymphenburg)仿如畫境般的巴洛克式宮殿(1664-1758)是皇室的夏宮。兩層樓的用餐室以絕妙的壁畫裝飾,其中一間房掛滿了高布林(Gobelin)雙面掛毯,一間徽章室,中國漆器室以及收集了38件吸引路易一世注意力的畫作的畫廊。一座英式的花園環繞著宮殿,中央有條運河,一座水晶加鍍金的小獵屋,中國式茶亭,浴池,女巫室,熱帶溫室以及自然歷史博物館。 世界聞名的皇家啤酒屋(Hofbrauhaus)內傳統巴伐利亞歌舞表演以及德國豬脚大餐、烤雞和一公升的慕尼黑啤酒,都讓我們對這個城市留下了深刻的印象。    

Schloss Nymphenburg, the picture-perfect Baroque palace was built from 1664 to 1758 as the royal family’s summer residence. There’s a two-story dining hall decorated with fabulous frescoes, a room stuffed with Gobelin tapestries, a Heraldic Room, Chinese Lacquer Room and the gallery of Beauties, lined with portraits of 38 local stunners who’d caught Ludwig I’s eye. An English-style park surrounds the palace, highlighted by a central canal, various fillies, a crystal and gilt-bedripped hunting lodge, Chinese teahouse, bathing housing, witch’s cottage, tropical greenhouses and a natural history museum. We were impressed by the delicious pork knuckle (1/2 hintere Schweinshax’n mit Reiberknodl und Speckkrautsalat), roasted chicken (1/2 frisches Bayerisches Hendl vom Grill it hausgemachtem Erdapfelsalat) and one liter beer as well as traditional Bavarian songs and dance in the world famous beer house--- Hofbrauhaus. 



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